Home Loan

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Home loans are secured loans offered by Banks or Non banking Finance corporations for purchasing of New house ,Flat  and  for construction of house .  Lender takes property document as collateral against loan amount  and  Interest rates are flexible being either Fixed or Floating. Home loan interest rates are lower when compared to unsecured personal advances. 

Types of Home Loans: 

Depending upon the type of property being purchased and the quantum of loan being availed, home loans can be classified into the following different types.

  • Home Purchase Loans  Home purchase loans are specifically given for purchase of flats or homes. These are the most popular type of home loan and are availed by most home loan borrowers. Almost all banks and Non-Banking Financial Corporations offer home purchase loans.
  • Home Loan for Construction Home loan for construction is offered to customers who want cash to construct their own house on an existing piece of land.

Home Extension/Renovation Loans

Home loans for extension or renovation of home are offered to those home loan borrowers who already have a house but are looking for further construction or renovation on their existing piece of property. 

  • Balance Transfer Home Loan Individuals can use the balance transfer option to transfer their home loan from one bank to another. Most people choose this option to avail better interest rates.